We’ve helped rescue 6.6 million kgs of food to supply to charities since 2017.

Grocery stores across Canada regularly have products that are unable to be sold for a variety of reasons. But this doesn’t always mean that they’re inedible or couldn’t be used for their highest purpose – feeding people!

We’ve helped rescue 6.6 million kgs of food to supply to charities since 2017.

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Loop understands all this, and our first goal when helping grocery stores divert food from the landfill is to provide access to food for our local charities to the food that they need, when they need it. As a second step, we want to divert the unusable scraps, trim, damaged, and temperature-violated items without additional labour on the part of the charity.

Whatever food that is unsuitable or unable to be donated or distributed does not go to waste either, it is happily devoured by the animals of grateful local farmers!

Many registered charities across Canada are already working with Loop, and love that they can trust us to support strong diversion of a variety of food products to feed hungry people while taking on the disposal of all non-human usable items. We would love to hear from you to discuss how we can support you best.

Yes, Loop gets unsold food from my store to farms to feed their animals. But they also helped me connect with my local food bank so they get first dibs to feed people in need. It's a win-win situation!

- Jeremy
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