We are a collective of farmers dedicated to building our communities and stewarding our environment and resources well.

Our founding members in Northern B.C., Canada, had an idea that was born out of a need to reduce animal feed costs so that they could spend more time with their families instead of working away from the farm to pay the bills. They approached a local grocer with the idea and, while the store managers loved the initiative, there was more research to be done and hurdles to overcome.

So, the community came together to find simple solutions - they went through the process of getting everything required to keep all parties involved protected, and Loop Resource was born. From there, they reached out to friends and family to see if they wanted to receive pickups too, and word spread pretty quickly about this innovative new program! Since then, we’ve brought over 4,000 farmers and 400 grocery stores into our program across Canada, and we’re still growing fast. Check out what everyone’s saying about us.

What Real Loop Farmers Say About Loop

“Great for the environment, and great for the animals. Pigs know it's Loop day, I can hear them screaming with excitement when I pull up to the yard, they know they are getting a little extra treat today. Great stuff, proud to be a part of Loop.”

- Diana
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